On behalf of the event organizer, we as a sales intermediary want to inform you that event Ťapákovci, which was supposed to take place on 27.11.2024 at 18:00 h. in Dome Maticke Slovenskej, Komárno, is CHANGED ! Event will take place on different date: 11.3.2025 at 19:00 h. in unchanged location.
Purchased tickets remain valid.
Clients who are not satisfied with the change might return tickets only to point of sale where they purchased them until 27.11.2024!
Clients who bought the tickets at selling place which has been canceled can return the tickets only by post until 27.11.2024at the latest. Address: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
Tickets paid at point of sale by Benefit voucher must be send to the address: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava until 27.11.2024.
In case client bought the tickets via website he/she can request the money refund until 27.11.2024 the latest by the following steps:
Common conditions for a money refund request: The fastest possibility to return the tickets can be requested through a registered account at www.ticketportal.sk, where the client has to fill all the neccessary data in the section ``My Account`` - ``My Orders``.
In case that client bought the tickets without registration we recommend to finnish the registration at www.ticketportal.sk where the client can activate his/her account with the e-mail used for the purchase. If the tickets were sent by courier, it is necessary to deliver them to Ticketportal SK s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava until 27.11.2024.
Special conditions for money refund request based on a payment method:
► if the payment was transfered via CARDPAY (card payment): Finance for tickets are refunded directly to the card from which the ticket payment was made.
► if the payment was transfered via internet banking: Finance for tickets will be refunded to the bank account provided by the client in the ``Refund request form`` in the ``Returning finance method`` section.
► if the payment was transfered via Benefit Plus, Edenred or Callio card: After the request will be processed Benefit/Edenred/Callio points will be also returned to the account of the client.
► if the payment was transfered via Ticketportal Gift voucher, or another type of voucher that can be used to purchase tickets in the Ticketportal SK (additional payment by card): finance will be transfered to the bank account provided by the client in the ``Returning finance method`` section of the ``Refund request form``.
Finance will be refunded to you within the legal deadline of sending the refund through your account.
More information:
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for understanding.
V zastúpení organizátora podujatia, vám ako sprostredkovateľ predaja oznamujeme, že predstavenie Pán kolega,čo máš nové?, ktoré sa malo konať dňa 15.2.2025 o 19:00 hod. v Blue Note, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, je ZMENENÉ! Predstavenie sa uskutoční v novom termíne: 20.2.2025 o 19:00 hod. v pôvodnom mieste konania.
Zakúpené vstupenky zostávajú v platnosti.
Klienti, ktorým zmena nevyhovuje, môžu vrátiť vstupenky výhradne na tom predajnom mieste, kde si ich zakúpili najneskôr do 29.11.2024!
Klienti, ktorí si vstupenky zakúpili na zrušenom predajnom mieste, ich môžu vrátiť výhradne poštou, a to najneskôr do 29.11.2024 na adresu: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
Vstupenky uhradené na predajnom mieste Benefitovou poukážkou je nutné najneskôr do 29.11.2024 zaslať poštou na adresu: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o. , Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
V prípade, ak si klient zakúpil vstupenky prostredníctvom internetu, môže požiadať o vrátenie peňazí najneskôr do 29.11.2024 nasledujúcim spôsobom a pri splnení nasledujúcich podmienok:
Spoločné podmienky pre žiadosti o refundáciu: O najrýchlejšie vrátenie vstupeniek je možné požiadať prostredníctvom registrovaného konta na stránke www.ticketportal.sk, v ktorom je potrebné v sekcii ``Môj účet`` - ``Moje objednávky`` vybrať vstupenky na refundáciu a vyplniť všetky požadované údaje.
V prípade, ak si klient zakúpil vstupenky bez registrácie, odporúčame, aby si na stránke www.ticketportal.sk dokončil registráciu, nakoľko pri zakúpení vstupeniek mu bola registrácia vytvorená a je potrebné konto aktivovať mailom, ktorý klient pri nákupe zadával. Pokiaľ boli vstupenky zaslané kuriérom je nutné ich doručiť najneskôr do 29.11.2024 na adresu Ticketportal SK s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
Osobitné podmienky pre žiadosti o refundáciu podľa spôsobu úhrady vstupného:
► pri platbe formou CARDPAY (platba kartou): Platba bude vrátená priamo na kartu, z ktorej bola hradená.
► pri platbe formou internet banking (napr.: SporoPay, ČSOBpay, TatraPay, ePlatby VÚB, ...): Platba bude prevedená v prospech účtu, ktorý klient vyplní v sekcii ``Žiadosť o refundáciu`` v časti ``Spôsob refundácie``.
► pri platbe Benefit Plus, Edenred alebo Callio kartou (cez platobnú bránu): Po vybavení žiadosti spoločnosť Benefit plus/Edenred/Callio klientovi pripíše body na jeho konto.
► pri platbe Darčekovou poukážkou Ticketportal, respektíve iným typom poukážky, ktorú je možné využiť na zakúpenie vstupeniek v sieti Ticketportal (prípadný doplatok kartou): Platba bude prevedená v prospech účtu, ktorý klient vyplní v sekcii ``Žiadosť o refundáciu`` v časti ``Spôsob refundácie``.
Financie Vám budú refundované v zákonnej lehote od zaslania žiadosti o refundáciu prostredníctvom Vášho konta.
Ďalšie informácie na:
Vzniknutá situácia nás veľmi mrzí. Za pochopenie ďakujeme.
On behalf of the event organizer, we as a sales intermediary want to inform you that event SOBÁŠNY LIST, which was supposed to take place on 23.11.2024 at 17:00 h. in Kultúrnom dome Kálnica, is CHANGED! Event will take place on different date: 07.2.2025 at 18:00 h. in unchanged location.
Purchased tickets remain valid.
Clients who are not satisfied with the change might return tickets only to point of sale where they purchased them until 5.12.2024!
Clients who bought the tickets at selling place which has been canceled can return the tickets only by post until 5.12.2024at the latest. Address: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
Tickets paid at point of sale by Benefit voucher must be send to the address: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava until 5.12.2024.
In case client bought the tickets via website he/she can request the money refund until 5.12.2024 the latest by the following steps:
Common conditions for a money refund request: The fastest possibility to return the tickets can be requested through a registered account at www.ticketportal.sk, where the client has to fill all the neccessary data in the section ``My Account`` - ``My Orders``.
In case that client bought the tickets without registration we recommend to finnish the registration at www.ticketportal.sk where the client can activate his/her account with the e-mail used for the purchase. If the tickets were sent by courier, it is necessary to deliver them to Ticketportal SK s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava until 5.12.2024.
Special conditions for money refund request based on a payment method:
► if the payment was transfered via CARDPAY (card payment): Finance for tickets are refunded directly to the card from which the ticket payment was made.
► if the payment was transfered via internet banking: Finance for tickets will be refunded to the bank account provided by the client in the ``Refund request form`` in the ``Returning finance method`` section.
► if the payment was transfered via Benefit Plus, Edenred or Callio card: After the request will be processed Benefit/Edenred/Callio points will be also returned to the account of the client.
► if the payment was transfered via Ticketportal Gift voucher, or another type of voucher that can be used to purchase tickets in the Ticketportal SK (additional payment by card): finance will be transfered to the bank account provided by the client in the ``Returning finance method`` section of the ``Refund request form``.
Finance will be refunded to you within the legal deadline of sending the refund through your account.
More information:
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for understanding.
On behalf of the event organizer, we as a sales intermediary want to inform you that event Otec, which was supposed to take place on 7.10.2024 at 18:00 h. in MsKŠ, Zlaté Moravce , is CHANGED! Event will take place on different date: 10.3.2025 at 18:00 h. in unchanged location.
Purchased tickets remain valid.
Clients who are not satisfied with the change might return tickets only to point of sale where they purchased them until 15.12.2024!
Clients who bought the tickets at selling place which has been canceled can return the tickets only by post until 15.12.2024at the latest. Address: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
Tickets paid at point of sale by Benefit voucher must be send to the address: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava until 15.12.2024.
In case client bought the tickets via website he/she can request the money refund until 15.12.2024 the latest by the following steps:
Common conditions for a money refund request: The fastest possibility to return the tickets can be requested through a registered account at www.ticketportal.sk, where the client has to fill all the neccessary data in the section ``My Account`` - ``My Orders``.
In case that client bought the tickets without registration we recommend to finnish the registration at www.ticketportal.sk where the client can activate his/her account with the e-mail used for the purchase. If the tickets were sent by courier, it is necessary to deliver them to Ticketportal SK s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava until 15.12.2024.
Special conditions for money refund request based on a payment method:
► if the payment was transfered via CARDPAY (card payment): Finance for tickets are refunded directly to the card from which the ticket payment was made.
► if the payment was transfered via internet banking: Finance for tickets will be refunded to the bank account provided by the client in the ``Refund request form`` in the ``Returning finance method`` section.
► if the payment was transfered via Benefit Plus, Edenred or Callio card: After the request will be processed Benefit/Edenred/Callio points will be also returned to the account of the client.
► if the payment was transfered via Ticketportal Gift voucher, or another type of voucher that can be used to purchase tickets in the Ticketportal SK (additional payment by card): finance will be transfered to the bank account provided by the client in the ``Returning finance method`` section of the ``Refund request form``.
Finance will be refunded to you within the legal deadline of sending the refund through your account.
More information:
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for understanding.
V zastúpení organizátora podujatia, vám ako sprostredkovateľ predaja oznamujeme, že predstavenie BEST FILM SOUNDTRACKS WITH CANDLELIGHT, ktoré sa malo konať dňa 24.11.2024 o 19:00 hod. v Dom umenia, Košice, je ZMENENÉ! Namiesto uvedeného predstavenia sa uskutoční predstavenie Romantic Music with Candlelight v novom termíne: 16.02.2025 o 19:00 hod. v pôvodnom mieste konania.
Zakúpené vstupenky zostávajú v platnosti.
Klienti, ktorým zmena nevyhovuje, môžu vrátiť vstupenky výhradne na tom predajnom mieste, kde si ich zakúpili najneskôr do 30.11.2024!
Klienti, ktorí si vstupenky zakúpili na zrušenom predajnom mieste, ich môžu vrátiť výhradne poštou, a to najneskôr do 30.11.2024 na adresu: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
Vstupenky uhradené na predajnom mieste Benefitovou poukážkou je nutné najneskôr do 30.11.2024 zaslať poštou na adresu: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o. , Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
V prípade, ak si klient zakúpil vstupenky prostredníctvom internetu, môže požiadať o vrátenie peňazí najneskôr do 30.11.2024 nasledujúcim spôsobom a pri splnení nasledujúcich podmienok:
Spoločné podmienky pre žiadosti o refundáciu: O najrýchlejšie vrátenie vstupeniek je možné požiadať prostredníctvom registrovaného konta na stránke www.ticketportal.sk, v ktorom je potrebné v sekcii ``Môj účet`` - ``Moje objednávky`` vybrať vstupenky na refundáciu a vyplniť všetky požadované údaje.
V prípade, ak si klient zakúpil vstupenky bez registrácie, odporúčame, aby si na stránke www.ticketportal.sk dokončil registráciu, nakoľko pri zakúpení vstupeniek mu bola registrácia vytvorená a je potrebné konto aktivovať mailom, ktorý klient pri nákupe zadával. Pokiaľ boli vstupenky zaslané kuriérom je nutné ich doručiť najneskôr do 30.11.2024 na adresu Ticketportal SK s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
Osobitné podmienky pre žiadosti o refundáciu podľa spôsobu úhrady vstupného:
► pri platbe formou CARDPAY (platba kartou): Platba bude vrátená priamo na kartu, z ktorej bola hradená.
► pri platbe formou internet banking (napr.: SporoPay, ČSOBpay, TatraPay, ePlatby VÚB, ...): Platba bude prevedená v prospech účtu, ktorý klient vyplní v sekcii ``Žiadosť o refundáciu`` v časti ``Spôsob refundácie``.
► pri platbe Benefit Plus, Edenred alebo Callio kartou (cez platobnú bránu): Po vybavení žiadosti spoločnosť Benefit plus/Edenred/Callio klientovi pripíše body na jeho konto.
► pri platbe Darčekovou poukážkou Ticketportal, respektíve iným typom poukážky, ktorú je možné využiť na zakúpenie vstupeniek v sieti Ticketportal (prípadný doplatok kartou): Platba bude prevedená v prospech účtu, ktorý klient vyplní v sekcii ``Žiadosť o refundáciu`` v časti ``Spôsob refundácie``.
Financie Vám budú refundované v zákonnej lehote od zaslania žiadosti o refundáciu prostredníctvom Vášho konta.
Ďalšie informácie na:
Vzniknutá situácia nás veľmi mrzí. Za pochopenie ďakujeme.
V zastúpení organizátora podujatia, vám ako sprostredkovateľ predaja oznamujeme, že predstavenie Symphony Sensation, ktoré sa malo konať dňa 15.12.2024 o 20:00 hod. v Edison Park, Bratislava, je ZRUŠENÉ!
Klienti môžu vrátiť vstupenky výhradne na tom predajnom mieste, kde si ich zakúpili.
Klienti, ktorí si vstupenky zakúpili na zrušenom predajnom mieste, ich môžu vrátiť výhradne poštou, a to na adresu: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
Vstupenky uhradené na predajnom mieste Benefitovou poukážkou je nutné zaslať poštou na adresu: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o. , Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
V prípade, ak si klient zakúpil vstupenky prostredníctvom internetu, môže požiadať o vrátenie peňazí nasledujúcim spôsobom a pri splnení nasledujúcich podmienok:
Spoločné podmienky pre žiadosti o refundáciu: O najrýchlejšie vrátenie vstupeniek je možné požiadať prostredníctvom registrovaného konta na stránke www.ticketportal.sk, v ktorom je potrebné v sekcii ``Môj účet`` - ``Moje objednávky`` vybrať vstupenky na refundáciu a vyplniť všetky požadované údaje.
V prípade, ak si klient zakúpil vstupenky bez registrácie, odporúčame, aby si na stránke www.ticketportal.sk dokončil registráciu, nakoľko pri zakúpení vstupeniek mu bola registrácia vytvorená a je potrebné konto aktivovať mailom, ktorý klient pri nákupe zadával. Pokiaľ boli vstupenky zaslané kuriérom je nutné ich doručiť na adresu Ticketportal SK s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
Osobitné podmienky pre žiadosti o refundáciu podľa spôsobu úhrady vstupného:
► pri platbe formou CARDPAY (platba kartou): Platba bude vrátená priamo na kartu, z ktorej bola hradená.
► pri platbe formou internet banking (napr.: SporoPay, ČSOBpay, TatraPay, ePlatby VÚB, ...): Platba bude prevedená v prospech účtu, ktorý klient vyplní v sekcii ``Žiadosť o refundáciu`` v časti ``Spôsob refundácie``.
► pri platbe Benefit Plus, Edenred alebo Callio kartou (cez platobnú bránu): Po vybavení žiadosti spoločnosť Benefit plus/Edenred/Callio klientovi pripíše body na jeho konto.
► pri platbe Darčekovou poukážkou Ticketportal, respektíve iným typom poukážky, ktorú je možné využiť na zakúpenie vstupeniek v sieti Ticketportal (prípadný doplatok kartou): Platba bude prevedená v prospech účtu, ktorý klient vyplní v sekcii ``Žiadosť o refundáciu`` v časti ``Spôsob refundácie``.
Financie Vám budú refundované v zákonnej lehote od zaslania žiadosti o refundáciu prostredníctvom Vášho konta.
Ďalšie informácie na:
Vzniknutá situácia nás veľmi mrzí. Za pochopenie ďakujeme.
V zastúpení organizátora podujatia, vám ako sprostredkovateľ predaja oznamujeme, že predstavenie DE FINIBUS… Organový koncert v rámci cyklu nsh.komorne.2024, ktoré sa malo konať dňa 25.11.2024 o 18:00 hod. v Dóm sv. Martina, Rudnayovo nám. 1, Bratislava,, je ZMENENÉ! Predstavenie sa uskutoční v novom termíne, o ktorom Vás budeme informovať, v pôvodnom mieste konania.
Zakúpené vstupenky zostávajú v platnosti.
Ďalšie informácie na:
Vzniknutá situácia nás veľmi mrzí. Za pochopenie ďakujeme.
V zastúpení organizátora podujatia, vám ako sprostredkovateľ predaja oznamujeme, že koncert Timmy Trumpet, ktorý sa mal konať dňa 22.11.2024 o 17:00 hod. v A4 Studio Bratislava, je ZMENENÝ! Koncert sa uskutoční v novom termíne: 22.11.2024 o 19:30 hod. v pôvodnom mieste konania.
Zakúpené vstupenky zostávajú v platnosti.
Line up:
Open Door 19:30
Johnny Bee 19:30 -20:30
Emtydee 20:30-21:30
Levex 21:30-22:30
Luis De Mark 22:30-23:30
TIMMY TRUMPET 23:30.00:45
Mairee 00:45 - 1:45
Milan Lieskovský 1:45 - 2:45
Drahosh Elsy 2:45 - 3:45
Ďalšie informácie na:
Vzniknutá situácia nás veľmi mrzí. Za pochopenie ďakujeme.
On behalf of the event organizer, we as a sales intermediary want to inform you that event Jánošík - príbeh vraha?, which was supposed to take place on 10.12.2024 at 19:00 h. in Dome odborov Žilina , is CHANGED! Instead of listed event will take place event AKO SME SA HĽADALI on different date: 23.2.2025 at 19:00 h. in unchanged location.
Purchased tickets remain valid.
Clients who are not satisfied with the change might return tickets only to point of sale where they purchased them until 2.12.2024!
Clients who bought the tickets at selling place which has been canceled can return the tickets only by post until 2.12.2024at the latest. Address: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
Tickets paid at point of sale by Benefit voucher must be send to the address: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava until 2.12.2024.
In case client bought the tickets via website he/she can request the money refund until 2.12.2024 the latest by the following steps:
Common conditions for a money refund request: The fastest possibility to return the tickets can be requested through a registered account at www.ticketportal.sk, where the client has to fill all the neccessary data in the section ``My Account`` - ``My Orders``.
In case that client bought the tickets without registration we recommend to finnish the registration at www.ticketportal.sk where the client can activate his/her account with the e-mail used for the purchase. If the tickets were sent by courier, it is necessary to deliver them to Ticketportal SK s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava until 2.12.2024.
Special conditions for money refund request based on a payment method:
► if the payment was transfered via CARDPAY (card payment): Finance for tickets are refunded directly to the card from which the ticket payment was made.
► if the payment was transfered via internet banking: Finance for tickets will be refunded to the bank account provided by the client in the ``Refund request form`` in the ``Returning finance method`` section.
► if the payment was transfered via Benefit Plus, Edenred or Callio card: After the request will be processed Benefit/Edenred/Callio points will be also returned to the account of the client.
► if the payment was transfered via Ticketportal Gift voucher, or another type of voucher that can be used to purchase tickets in the Ticketportal SK (additional payment by card): finance will be transfered to the bank account provided by the client in the ``Returning finance method`` section of the ``Refund request form``.
Finance will be refunded to you within the legal deadline of sending the refund through your account.
More information:
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for understanding.
On behalf of the event organizer, we as a sales intermediary want to inform you that event Szidi Tobias & Band: Okná dokorán, which was supposed to take place on 18.11.2024 at 19:00 h. in Robotníckom dome, Banská Bystrica, is CHANGED ! Event will take place on different date: 10.2.2025 at 19:00 h. in unchanged location.
Purchased tickets remain valid.
Clients who are not satisfied with the change might return tickets only to point of sale where they purchased them until 31.12.2024!
Clients who bought the tickets at selling place which has been canceled can return the tickets only by post until 31.12.2024at the latest. Address: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
Tickets paid at point of sale by Benefit voucher must be send to the address: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava until 31.12.2024.
In case client bought the tickets via website he/she can request the money refund until 31.12.2024 the latest by the following steps:
Common conditions for a money refund request: The fastest possibility to return the tickets can be requested through a registered account at www.ticketportal.sk, where the client has to fill all the neccessary data in the section ``My Account`` - ``My Orders``.
In case that client bought the tickets without registration we recommend to finnish the registration at www.ticketportal.sk where the client can activate his/her account with the e-mail used for the purchase. If the tickets were sent by courier, it is necessary to deliver them to Ticketportal SK s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava until 31.12.2024.
Special conditions for money refund request based on a payment method:
► if the payment was transfered via CARDPAY (card payment): Finance for tickets are refunded directly to the card from which the ticket payment was made.
► if the payment was transfered via internet banking: Finance for tickets will be refunded to the bank account provided by the client in the ``Refund request form`` in the ``Returning finance method`` section.
► if the payment was transfered via Benefit Plus, Edenred or Callio card: After the request will be processed Benefit/Edenred/Callio points will be also returned to the account of the client.
► if the payment was transfered via Ticketportal Gift voucher, or another type of voucher that can be used to purchase tickets in the Ticketportal SK (additional payment by card): finance will be transfered to the bank account provided by the client in the ``Returning finance method`` section of the ``Refund request form``.
Finance will be refunded to you within the legal deadline of sending the refund through your account.
More information:
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for understanding.