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Kenny Thomas na zámku - UK soul

Kenny Thomas na zámku - UK soul



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KENNY THOMAS na zámku - UK soul
28.07.2024 / 20:00

Kenny Thomas je jedným z najpopulárnejších britských soulových spevákov 90. rokov ktorý prvý krát bude koncertovať na Slovensku a to na Šimák Zámok Pezinok. Thomasov najväčší britský hit prišiel v roku 1991 s albumom Thinking About Your Love a z jeho debutového albumu sa len v Spojenom kráľovstve predalo viac ako 600 000 kópií a viac ako milión na celom svete. Medzi ďalšie úspešné single patria Outstanding, The Best Of You či Tender Love. Vo februári 1992 na výročnom udeľovaní cien BRIT Awards bol Thomas nominovaný na cenu v dvoch kategóriách, Najlepší britský spevák a Najlepší britský nováčik.


EXTERIÉR - zámocké nádvorie

Koncert sa uskutoční na historickom nádvorí zámku z 13.storočia v Pezinku a naše zámocké brány na koncert sa otvárajú 18:30hod.
Začiatok: 20:00 hod.
Miesto: Nádvorie pod holým nebom, Šimák Zámok Pezinok
Info: +421 33 79 89 000 /

Po odohratí 30minút predstavenia sa vstupné nevracia.
Deti od 10 rokov – cena vstupenky je bez nároku na zľavu.

VIP stôl - je možné si zakúpiť iba celý stôl pre 4 osoby. VIP vstupenka zahŕňa: obsluha počas večera, víno, nealko, kanapky, dezerty, ovocie.


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Na stránkach spoločnosti Ticketportal si kupujete vždy originálne vstupenky na dané podujatie.

Spoločnosť Ticketportal nezaručuje pravosť vstupeniek zakúpených na sekundárnych portáloch predaja (napr. Viagogo), nemá s nimi nič spoločné a ani tento spôsob predaja nepodporuje.


Zmeny a upozornenia

CANCELED - Kenny Thomas na zámku - UK soul - 28.7.2024 at 20:00 h.

On behalf of the event organizer, we as a sales intermediary want to inform you that event Kenny Thomas na zámku - UK soul, which was supposed to take place on 28.7.2024 at 20:00 h. in Šimák Zámok Pezinok, is CANCELED !

Clients might return tickets only to point of sale where they purchased them.

Clients who bought the tickets at selling place which has been canceled can return the tickets only by postat the latest. Address: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.

Tickets paid at point of sale by Benefit voucher must be send to the address: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
In case client bought the tickets via website he/she can request the money refund the latest by the following steps:

Common conditions for a money refund request: The fastest possibility to return the tickets can be requested through a registered account at, where the client has to fill all the neccessary data in the section ``My Account`` - ``My Orders``.
In case that client bought the tickets without registration we recommend to finnish the registration at where the client can activate his/her account with the e-mail used for the purchase. If the tickets were sent by courier, it is necessary to deliver them to Ticketportal SK s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.

Special conditions for money refund request based on a payment method:
► if the payment was transfered via CARDPAY (card payment): Finance for tickets are refunded directly to the card from which the ticket payment was made.
► if the payment was transfered via internet banking: Finance for tickets will be refunded to the bank account provided by the client in the ``Refund request form`` in the ``Returning finance method`` section.
► if the payment was transfered via Benefit Plus, Edenred or Callio card: After the request will be processed Benefit/Edenred/Callio points will be also returned to the account of the client.
► if the payment was transfered via Ticketportal Gift voucher, or another type of voucher that can be used to purchase tickets in the Ticketportal SK (additional payment by card): finance will be transfered to the bank account provided by the client in the ``Returning finance method`` section of the ``Refund request form``.

Finance will be refunded to you within the legal deadline of sending the refund through your account.

More information:

We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for understanding.

