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St. Patrick's Day with Martin Furey (The High Kings)

St. Patrick's Day with Martin Furey (The High Kings)



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Celebrate Ireland with Martin Furey (High Kings) and Joseph Doyle (Kíla), two of Ireland's most talented folk musicians. There will be drink and cocktail promotions on the night. 
Entry €5 online / €7 door
Entry free after concert 
Martin has captivated audiences all over the world since the late 1980s with his distinctive musical style.
He has worked tirelessly to re-establish the traditional style of Irish singing and made it both hugely popular and easily accessible.
Martin has established the kind of reputation that makes him truly stand out, a gifted singer/songwriter and spellbinding multi-instrumentalist with a unique brand of contemporary folk music, which takes traditional rhythms and
instruments and adds an oblique twist to produce an exhilarating sound that has been wowing audiences for over 30 years.
With his highly anticipated return to solo performance, Martin has combined his extensive repertoire of folk, Celtic and Americana songs and resurrected some of the familiar, the not so familiar and the nearly forgotten, along with his own unexpected and innovative original songs.
This is an amazing and unique opportunity to hear him perform in person.

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